Alhamdulillah, we made it. Teacher's training is over and teachers has gone - driving back to their respected 'kampung' for a week to celebrate life with family. After a day-and-a-half camping out at Fatima Hall, everyone seems to 'get it' this time around that training is no longer a 'stressful' experience after all. 100% participants gave two thumbs up and majority loved the format this time around. Alhamdulillah again. For I myself am learning and observing the "what and how" best to design teacher's training that will be suitable to majority of Sri Ayesha teachers nowadays. I guess we just hit the 'sweet spot'! Thanks teachers for the active and frank participation during all sessions. I can't imagine that most of you love the team-work session which I purposely delayed it to the last agenda! Since you really like it and had learned a lot from it, I will introduce few more interesting team-work activities in our future training, insyaAllah.
One of my enjoyable moment is the talk-show on Gardening! I enjoyed much the way Azmir has handled the show - purely professional! Congratulation. It made me alert and had the audience given a greater attention. No monotonous one-way lecturing & mumbling by...(me).
Essentially, the Gardening theme was in my mind for quite a while. Perhaps, this is the best moment to introduce this theme for reasons I shared during the session itself. Allah has made in many places in the Quran the resemblance of garden to the paradise! Home sweet home is my paradise! My school, my paradise...
Having our own garden and turning it into a "super-garden" is very much similar to having our own classroom (children) and shaping them into becoming the meaningful person when they grow up. So teachers, get this straight:
1) Get our intention right at all times! NAWAITU.
2) Get to know the type of seeds you're dealing with;
3) Deter the outsiders from encroaching into our garden freely - grasshopper, parasite;
4) Have the complete picture clearly displayed in our mind right from the beginning;
5) Synergy. Identify strength in each child and pair them properly. 1+1 is equal to 2 and more!
and few more that I'm sure you've noted during our discussion.
A question raised, what if... we have done all the right things...then disaster strikes? I told you that this is what differentiate us from the rest of the 'worldly-gardeners'. Allah is a better judgement on everything. We just simply know, able, willing and act (TAHU, MAHU, LAKU) on the understanding and having the right desire. The result is totally up to the Creator Allah swt.
And as a continuation, all teachers got a privilege to be the mini-gardener. So teachers, start planting! The one-month-observation is crucial to see if we can be a gardener on this temporary world. The best garden is the real Garden that Allah has promised us...
Jannatul-Firdausil-A'la! Don't miss that out...
Bessssst sangat....till i drop my tears at the end of the training...:-) i was so touched and was so lucky that ALLAH has chosen me to be a "Gardener". this is a challenge that we should accomplish or accept with open eyes and open heart. Paradise is waiting for us. Ameen