Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tweets for a 'change'

I'm happy to get involve positively in @SriAyeshaSchool twitter forum for the past one month. I know that I'm still an amateur at tweetingy and stuffs... way behind majority of you guys 'fellow' twitters - the grand masters with K's tweets and K's followers ;-), congratulation though. Anyway, I'm planing to do "Syarah Tweets 100".  I plan to do posting on my first 100 tweets and the story behind it.  How's that for a change? Neat.  And later on, I will pick the best tweet I've been receiving and do "syarah" (so to speak) on that beautiful 140 characters tweets of yours... (Alhamdulillah, I didn't follow too many tweets though - otherwise, I may need an assistant to help read them all).  --- That's the plan.  Until then, keep the "intention" right so that tweeting can become credible source of good 'energy'.

I'm supposed to attend the Sports Day event this weekend and if possible, I will post my Sports day speech here and that would significantly reduce my officiating speech to, perhaps 140 characters ;-)  Many has reminded me to shorten it because of the heat.  I got it ;-) Start early so we could all go back early.  Ta-baarakaLlah!